Friday, November 30, 2007

How do you use your chopsticks?

Obviously not to eat your food with!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

random cuteness

The other night Maddy was having the most terrible time falling asleep. She came downstairs maybe 3 or 4 times to tell me she "just can't get comfortable!" This is how I found her once she finally was asleep. Too funny!

This is Luke, my future coffee lover. Obviously NOT pleased about me taking his picture so early in the morning.

And finally, just a sweet picture of my two little boys.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

hippity hop to the barber shop... mommy's barber shop, that is. Gabe had his first haircut last night at 16 weeks, 5 days. His hair was getting super long, and I felt like it had to be bugging him when it was in his eyes. I have never cut any of my kids' hair this early! He was born with a head full of it and it is still growing like a weed.
Here are a couple of before pictures:

And the finished product! Such a big boy!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bumbo Baby

Merry Christmas Gabe!
I found a Bumbo seat for him on Craigslist for a great price, and wanted to give it to him now so he could use it. He is still a little unsure of it, and gets tired holding up his head for too long, but I managed to get a smile or two out of him when he was in it the first time! Notice the wet shirt, I think it's time to break out the bibs!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

let it snow


Chirp chirp...

I've been quiet lately, the crickets are chirping here at my blog! We've had sick kiddos the past 2 weeks or so and it stinks. I guess this time of year is good for that and with 5 kids it takes a couple of weeks for any virus to run it's course. Maddy got it the worst, I think. Poor thing isn't coughing like the boys did but had a terrible ear "confection" (per Luke) and yucky infected eyes too. She's missed 4 days of school and has caught up on a lot of tv watching. :P
I am one of those moms who isn't super strict on the amount of tv watching that goes on here. There are times during the day that their favorite shows are on and I let them watch. They get bored after a half hour or an hour and usually go on to play w/ toys. They're smart kids, I'm not worried about them turning their brains to mush by any means.
Speaking of smart kids, we had conferences for Ben and Maddy this week. Ben and Syd both got all As on their report cards, David and I are crazy proud of them. Maddy's teacher couldn't believe how smart she is, especially since she's one of the youngest in her class. She's in the top reading group in her class. That's my girl!
Since it is Thursday, and Thankful Thursday at that, here is my list of things I am thankful for today:

1. Lotion kleenex, and lots of it
2. Clorox wipes, for germs and dirty little fingerprints everywhere
3. little boys who take long naps simultaneously

Only 3? Yes, but I did 30 a couple of weeks ago. Have a good day everyone!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

WHERE did you get him?

You never know what Luke's going to say when you ask him a question, apparently. Yesterday night we took Maddy to her dance class, and I had the two little boys with me when we dropped her off. My mom (who was working) comes up to Gabe's carseat and says, "well, who is this?" And Luke, who is always ready to help anyone who may not know something, says, "this is Gabe, and we bought him from China." I am sure my mouth dropped to the floor! Where does this kid come up with these things?

Monday, November 5, 2007

Monday Monday....

So it's Monday, and sometimes I feel like I actually like Monday. Sometimes I don't like Monday, but more and more it is becoming one of my favorite days. Maybe because we can get back into our "routine", (and I use that word very loosely), because on weekends things get a little wacky around here. I like wacky, but it is nice to get back to a sense of normalcy.

Ben is sick, fever of 101, poor guy. Been coughing up a storm and looks/feels awful. I am praying that none of the others catch the bug, which I know is a pipe dream, but a girl can dream. I guess that is what comes with having lots of kids. He started indoor soccer this past weekend, which is really fun for him.
Gabe is as cute as ever. I think, "I could eat him up" several times a day.
Luke is still in the middle of his regression from potty training. I feel as if I have used up all of my tricks and my bag is empty. Any tips, anyone??? Other than that he provides us with plenty of entertainment around here. (see pumpkin cake picture below)
Maddy is LOVING school. My sweet angel girl. Today she heard Gabe crying while I was getting him dressed and the next minute there she is with his binkie. I didn't even have to ask. She is just a peach.
Syd is a cheerleader now. She loves it and I am glad she is able to try out all of these new things now that she's in middle school. She cleaned her room this weekend. I think our dumpster is full of all the junk she threw away. :)

Tonight we're having ravioli w/ marinara sauce. Easy. That's my kind of meal! I will pick up a loaf of crusty bread on my way home from Maddy's dance class tonight to serve w/ dinner.

I finished a book this weekend and now I am really wanting to pick up my knitting needles and yarn and start a blanket for Gabe. I have only ever made scarves, but one can only use so many scarves...know what I mean? I found the most adorable, blue, soft yarn at Michaels a month ago. I checked out two "knitting for kids" books from the library a couple of weeks ago in the hopes that I could get the hang of this. Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

alright, who did it?

I made a pumpkin spice cake while dinner was cooking tonight, and I think someone was hungry.

Friday, November 2, 2007

halloween fun

We have a tradition on Halloween of going out to Pizza Hut and then to a church carnival on halloween night. This was the second year we let the kids actually dress up and participate in halloween stuff and they had so much fun. We have had pizza a lot lately so we decided to go to the kids' FAVORITE restaurant ever, Old Country Buffet. ha ha. No kidding, they never met a buffet they didn't like. So it worked out that on halloween all kids who are dressed up get to eat for FREE!! David and I looked at each other and said, "new tradition!" Can't beat that price with a stick!
David's mom joined us for dinner, as did my neice Sofie and my sister in law Teresa. Fun was had by all, and here's the picture to prove it!

Sydnee was a fairy, Ben was a nerd, Maddy was a butterfly, Luke was a dragon, Gabe was a hot dog and Sofia was a sweet little ballerina.