Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Tonight we are watching the clock tick away until 12. I am here listening to the sounds of America's Funniest Home Videos on TV in the other room and David and the two "Bigs" laughing and watching. I was lucky enough to be with the 3 littles as each one drifted off to sleep tonight. Their last waking moments in 2008. Ahhh...sweetness. As I listened to their soft breathing, I was thinking through the many memories of 2008, it seems it just raced by, though I know we have lived a lot of life this past year!

Birthdays, braces, soccer games, softball games, vacations, college classes, new kittens, preschool, middle school, failures, successes...yes, it was a big year. I looked back at my post from this time last year and felt good about the goals I set for myself. Mostly I can say that I worked hard at the things I wanted to improve on. Maybe the thing that I would consider the biggest success is that I have learned to really focus on the things that are important. Period. Sure, I still struggle at times, but I am glad that I am still learning and growing. My fantastic five children keep me on my toes. They challenge me and stretch me, they make me laugh and cry, they make me a better person, they make me so proud to be their mom. None of them listen when I tell them to quit growing up (*smile*), but I forgive them for that and still love every minute. Savor every minute.

I wish for each of you who read this a wonderful and peaceful 2009. May God bless you and keep you in this new year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

wanted: impossibly cute little boy

likes: whoopie cushions, smarties and fruit snacks, balls, his mama, ice cream, cookies with sprinkles (actually *anything* with sprinkles)...oh yeah, he does like healthy things too

dislikes: sleeping in his own crib, diaper changes, being told "no", breakfast

wanted for: his adorable laugh, sweet and slimy kisses, dancing to "Who let the dogs out", and making life SO delicious!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

quotable moments from a Monday...

the daddy: "Mads, do you still want to be a veterinarian when you grow up?"

the 6 year old (in all seriousness): "No, I don't want to work when I grow up."

the mommy and daddy: "What?"

the 6 year old (again, in all seriousness): "I want to be a loafer."

After putting Gabe to sleep, I was carrying him upstairs to bed. Already I could hear Ben and Luke's voices in the middle of a quiet conversation. So I stopped at the doorway and listened for a while, and this is what I hear:

B: What is your favorite gumball?

L: Blue, dark blue

B: Oh yeah, that's mine too.

B: Ok, what is your favorite time? Like bedtime, lunch time, breakfast time, day time?

L: What about school time?

B: Yeah, that too.

L: School time is my favorite time.

B: Oh. Cool.

So I walk in the room and lay G in the crib. I look over to Luke's bottom bunk and there they both are, laying side by side, like best friends. Ben tells me that Luke asked him to snuggle him, so of course, how could he say no to that?

It's definitely moments like these that do my heart good after a long day. I love those kids.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thirteen on Thursday

Thirteen random things I am thinking about this morning...

1. Groceries--I've put off going to the store long enough. It has to be done today.

2. Oatmeal--the little boys and I ate it for breakfast. Weird how seeing them eat oatmeal makes me feel like such a good mom.

3. My new camera--oh how I wish I had more time to play with it!

4. Basketball--Maddy has her after school basketball clinic today. She wasn't liking it on Tuesday, and I am praying she has fun today.

5. Laundry--always laundry.

6. Dinner--we've had two nights in a row eating out. Red Robin with my In-Laws on Tuesday and pizza last night.

7. Penelope--our new kitten is so stinking cute. Pictures will definitely be coming here soon.

8. Thanksgiving--one week from today!

9. Christmas--I am getting really excited. This weekend I am going to get each child their own 2 foot tree for their room as a nightlight. They are pumped!

10. Trees--between a new kitten and a 15 month old I think our tree may take quite a beating this year.

11. Coffee--hazelnut coffee with Italian sweet cream creamer. YUM.

12. Socks--my feet are cold.

13. Family photos--I need to schedule an appointment TODAY.

Hope you have a great Thursday!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

change in plans

Sometimes the best laid plans don't work out the way I would hope. Tuesday mornings are supposed to be my Bible Study mornings. At the start of the school year I started going to a group on Tuesdays and I was so looking forward to it. After going twice, I started missing. Literally every Tuesday I have had a sick child from mid September until now. Yesterday Gabe had three vaccinations at his well child check up resulting in a high fever from the time he went to bed last night until this morning when it finally broke. Another Tuesday at home. It really is ok, actually it's teaching me to be {more} flexible. I think I roll with the punches of life pretty well, but when it comes to my daily responsibilities I am not so flexible. (warning: confession) I am definitely not an organized person (that wasn't the confession, that's a fact). I do tend to base my personal satisfaction on what I can accomplish in a day. That isn't a good way to be when you have 5 children, I am learning. Many evenings you will find me frustrated with the way the house looks, counting the things I *didn't* get to during the day. I hold myself to some pretty ridiculous standards. God is working on my heart in this area, though I do have a long way to go.
This morning put all of this into focus for me. I was up for the better part of the night with a sleepy, feverish baby boy. At 7 David woke me up, so I could get the kids going for school. Everyone was moving a bit slower than usual, resulting in 2 of the 3 missing the bus. Aargh! I *so* did not want to bundle the little boys into the cold car this morning. Gabe was still so cranky and Luke had just rolled out of bed. I fought my disappointment (perhaps not all that well) and got them to school about 5 minutes late. Get home, fussy baby on my hip, can't make coffee, hungry 4 year old...we had breakfast, and then instead of doing the things around the house that needed done, this is what we did:

Luke's aim was a bit off, he hit the camera!

I did end up getting my coffee this morning, and I think it tasted better after a good game of bowling in our pj's!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I woke up at 6 am. It was actually kind of nice! I feel energized (could that be the mocha coffee that I am drinking because I was out of decaf?) and ready for the day. On the agenda:

* VOTE. I think this may be the most excited I've been about voting in a long time. This is the fourth time I have been priviledged to vote for our president, and I feel one of the most important times. Even my school aged children are excited about it! Luke told me this morning that he thinks we should vote for Spiderman. Not a bad idea, Luke!

*Groceries. Yes people, we're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

*Outback Steakhouse for dinner. YUM. Thanks to my sweet in-laws we will be having a belated birthday dinner tonight. Sounds like an excellent night!

*In between all of those things, I will wipe a certain baby boy's nose several hundred times, change his diapers, go outside and enjoy the indian summer day we're set to have and maybe eat some candy from Halloween. All in all, it's going to be a great day!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

pumpkin cookies...mmmm....

There is something about these cookies that just capture everything wonderful about this time of year. Pumpkin, spice, cream cheese frosting, the perfect comfort food. If I could remember where I originally got this recipe I would give credit where it is due. Try this recipe, it is unbelievably good!

1/2 c. butter, soft
3/4 c. brown sugar
3/4 c. sugar
2 eggs
1 t. vanilla
1 c. pumpkin
2 1/4 c. flour
2 t. baking powder
1 t. salt
2 t. cinnamon
1/2 t. nutmeg
1/4 t. ginger
1/4 t. cloves

1 c. raisins (opt.)
1 c. walnuts (opt.)

Cream butter and sugars together. Add eggs, vanilla and pumpkin; blend well.
Mix in all dry ingredients. Stir in nuts and raisins if desired.
Drop onto cookie sheet, bake at 350 for 12-15 minutes (until *almost* set in middle, don't overbake). Cool on cookie sheet, frost when completely cooled.


1/4 c. soft butter
1 8oz pack of cream cheese, soft
1 t. vanilla
4 c. powdered sugar (one cup at a time)

Friday, October 24, 2008

collecting leaves

Collecting leaves in the fall is completely necessary. There is something so breathtaking about the colors, sounds and smells outside in late September and all of October. One particularly beautiful afternoon I took Maddy and Luke out to find some leaves.

Luke found many tiny leaves, which he saved for his baby Gabe.

Maddy found a pretty red one.

These are the favorites of the day.

There was fungus growing in the damp grass, and I told them not to touch the fungus. Luke then started singing, "Don't touch the mungus! Don't touch the mungus!"

Did you know it is also necessary to have mints and a sword with you while collecting leaves?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Question of the Day

Riding home in the car today:

Luke: "mommy, what does God eat for breakfast?"

me: "ummmmm....I'm not sure honey, let me get back to you on that."

He's four!!

Birthdays are kind of a big deal around here...and for 5 months of the year we have one right after the other. 3 in June, 1 in August, 1 in September and 2 in October. Whew!

Luke's was October 5th, and we had a great time celebrating with him. For his party with the family, all he wanted was to go to Chuck E Cheese, so we had a Spiderman themed fun time there. (Remind me never to go there on a Sunday afternoon again, ok? Thanks.)

The one tradition we have with our kids on their special day, is to let them choose the menu of the day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner is totally up to them. Luke's was truly unique this year. Breakfast was Cinamelts from McDonald's. Have you ever had those? They are delicious. David went in to order them early in the morning and said he needed 9 of them. The girl working at McD's was like, "did you say nine?" For lunch we had C.E.C pizza and then for dinner...Luke wanted Blinnas. They are like a sourdough pancake that is a recipe from my dad's grandmother, passed down. We have never had them for dinner though! I think this birthday boy was in heaven!

For a cake (yes, we all had a stomach ache at the end of the day) he wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and chocolate chips. (a chocolate lover like his mommy!) He also dipped his face in it.

Ah, like I said in Maddy's birthday post, I wish they would just stop growing up. But apparently I am out of luck in that area. Luke is such a wonderful boy. He is full of spunk and energy, but also full of tenderness and love. His smile and laugh bring life to any room. His hugs and kisses melt my heart. I am so excited to see what the future holds for him.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

She's 6!!

I keep telling them to just stop growing up, but they don't listen! Maddy turned 6 back on September 30. She had such a great time celebrating with friends at the Young Chef's Academy and again with family on her actual special day. Everything pink for this little girl!

Her big gift was her very first American Girl doll, Kit.

Our third baby, second daughter.
She's funny and has a great laugh.
She's sweet and cares about others.
I often hear her say, "mommy, can I help you?"
Her two little brothers adore her.
She's smart and reads so well.
Her smile lights up the room.
I love you Mads.

Monday, October 20, 2008

< < < rewind

The past 6 weeks or so have passed in a flurry of activity and busyness. We have had many noteworthy events come and go, and though I do take many pictures fully intending to share them with family and friends, I have not actually taken time to post them here on my blog! So this week will be a rewind week. I will share some of the fun things we have been up to since the start of the school year, and *hopefully* will get back into the bloggy swing of things around here! (that rhymed!)

First...a picture of a VERY sweet little boy starting preschool. Doesn't he look like a big boy?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Celebrating the little things...

Today is our 16th dating anniversary! We have liked each other for more than half of our lives...and we still do! Happy anniversary, honey!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

little notes

Since school started and with Maddy being gone each day, all day, I have been sticking a little love note in her lunch bag when I pack it in the morning. This past week she has been writing me a couple, which I absolutely LOVE. Notice the picture of the 3 of us, and the size of daddy's ears!

Originally I did this to get her through the day, worrying that she might be a bit homesick by lunch time. Who knew these little notes could brighten my day so much?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Back to school

This morning went really well! We had 3 excited kiddos off to school. It's hard to believe we have 3 in all day school this year. Where did the time go?

Syd~off to 8th grade!!

Ben~off to 4th grade!

Maddy~off to 1st grade!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: summer in review

I can't believe summer is drawing to a close, that school is starting in just 5 short days! Things have been quiet on this blog this summer. Our days have been full of a lot, and a lot of nothing. It has been so good to be relaxed in our routine and to enjoy having daddy here every day. In honor of the Thursday Thirteen, I have decided to list 13 things that have made up *most* of our summer. It would be impossible for me to go back and think of everything we have done, so here are the 13 that my little helpers and I have come up with.

1. Our trip to Florida, right at the start of summer

2. 4 birthday celebrations!

3. lots of softball games and soccer camp for two boys (sorry, no pictures of soccer)

4. learning to blow bubbles

5. catching bugs

6. ice cream

7. blueberry picking (twice)

8. waterskiing

9. first popsicle

10. peach picking (twice)

11. backyard fun

12. a fun visit to Great Grandma's farm, picking black raspberries in all of her "secret places"!

14. long walks and lots of quality time with daddy