Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Tonight we are watching the clock tick away until 12. I am here listening to the sounds of America's Funniest Home Videos on TV in the other room and David and the two "Bigs" laughing and watching. I was lucky enough to be with the 3 littles as each one drifted off to sleep tonight. Their last waking moments in 2008. Ahhh...sweetness. As I listened to their soft breathing, I was thinking through the many memories of 2008, it seems it just raced by, though I know we have lived a lot of life this past year!

Birthdays, braces, soccer games, softball games, vacations, college classes, new kittens, preschool, middle school, failures, successes...yes, it was a big year. I looked back at my post from this time last year and felt good about the goals I set for myself. Mostly I can say that I worked hard at the things I wanted to improve on. Maybe the thing that I would consider the biggest success is that I have learned to really focus on the things that are important. Period. Sure, I still struggle at times, but I am glad that I am still learning and growing. My fantastic five children keep me on my toes. They challenge me and stretch me, they make me laugh and cry, they make me a better person, they make me so proud to be their mom. None of them listen when I tell them to quit growing up (*smile*), but I forgive them for that and still love every minute. Savor every minute.

I wish for each of you who read this a wonderful and peaceful 2009. May God bless you and keep you in this new year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

wanted: impossibly cute little boy

likes: whoopie cushions, smarties and fruit snacks, balls, his mama, ice cream, cookies with sprinkles (actually *anything* with sprinkles)...oh yeah, he does like healthy things too

dislikes: sleeping in his own crib, diaper changes, being told "no", breakfast

wanted for: his adorable laugh, sweet and slimy kisses, dancing to "Who let the dogs out", and making life SO delicious!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Monday, December 1, 2008

quotable moments from a Monday...

the daddy: "Mads, do you still want to be a veterinarian when you grow up?"

the 6 year old (in all seriousness): "No, I don't want to work when I grow up."

the mommy and daddy: "What?"

the 6 year old (again, in all seriousness): "I want to be a loafer."

After putting Gabe to sleep, I was carrying him upstairs to bed. Already I could hear Ben and Luke's voices in the middle of a quiet conversation. So I stopped at the doorway and listened for a while, and this is what I hear:

B: What is your favorite gumball?

L: Blue, dark blue

B: Oh yeah, that's mine too.

B: Ok, what is your favorite time? Like bedtime, lunch time, breakfast time, day time?

L: What about school time?

B: Yeah, that too.

L: School time is my favorite time.

B: Oh. Cool.

So I walk in the room and lay G in the crib. I look over to Luke's bottom bunk and there they both are, laying side by side, like best friends. Ben tells me that Luke asked him to snuggle him, so of course, how could he say no to that?

It's definitely moments like these that do my heart good after a long day. I love those kids.