Saturday, October 20, 2007

for the love of muffy

Our sweet fluffy kitty Muffy has a bladder infection. Gross, I know. Even grosser? (more gross, ??) Giving a cat antibiotics. I have had kids spit medicine on me, many times. Lots of those medicines have nasty tastes/smells. But seriously, cat medicine smells rancid. Our cat is a champion spitter. When I took her to the vet Friday and picked her up later that afternoon the vet tech demonstrated giving Muffy her liquid anitibiotics. She wrapped her in a towel and (without any of my help) tipped my cat's head up and sqeezed it right into her mouth, no spitting, no clawing, no fuss. I was ready for the challenge! That night I confidently called Muffy, wrapped her in a towel and sat on the floor trying to do exactly what the girl at the vet's office did. Let's just say I didn't have the same luck. I have been clawed and spit on each of the three times I have given her the medicine. And this will have to go on for 10 days! Yuck.

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