Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday meanderings....

I have spent this past week playing catch up around the house and in life, I suppose. A week and a half ago I came down with Labrynthitis and was down for the count for 5 days. That is something I was always fearful of, of getting so sick that I couldn't function and care for my family. Well, thanks to my wonderful husband and some help from my mom, 5 great kids and a couple of very sweet friends, I am thankful that things went as smoothly as they did. David really did everything while I was sick, except cook. (hee hee). My friend Barbara brought 2 delicious meals she made for us and one frozen from her neighbor, and another friend, Wendy, brought dinner another night, which was amazing. The one day David didn't take off of work, my mom came over and cared for me and the littles all day. I know that was exhausting for her, she was a trooper!! After all of that I have a new appreciation for my health and my family. I missed the day to day so much. All I could do was listen to them play and interact and receive a few well-placed kisses throughout each day. I am a blessed woman to have such a fantastic family...and now that I am back to feeling like myself again, I am enjoying each moment. Even the mountain of laundry that grows exponentially while I sleep, and the dishes that do the same.

Luke is doing pretty well potty training...still not totally there, but doing better than we were a month ago. He is full of spunk and just a really fun boy to be around. Here he is giving Gabe a busride in the living room.

Madyson is still fighting a lingering sinus infection, and had strep throat while I was sick. This year has been tough for her as far as being sick a lot. In school she is doing excellent and is reading so well. We are really proud of her. Here she is reading to Luke before bed one night.

And being silly during lunch the other day.

Benjamin is playing indoor soccer and scored 3 goals at his game Saturday! He loves soccer and we are so glad he has found something he really loves to do. He recently went with a handful of his classmates and his teacher to lunch at McDonald's to celebrate 100% on all of the spelling tests the first semester! He loves playing with his little siblings, and holding his baby brother.

Baby Gabe is 6 months old already! He isn't sitting up yet, but does have 2 teeth and is close to rolling back to front. He is just a happy little guy, we all adore being around him. I just gave him his 3rd haircut! He is "eating solids" now, and I say that with a firm tongue in cheek. He just is not enjoying it. His 6 month birthday was while I was sick last week, so Sydnee was very thoughtful, knowing I would've taken millions of pictures of him that day, and took a bunch of him while he was in his Jumperoo. This is my favorite one that she took:

and sitting in his high chair being very silly:

Sydnee also did very well on her report card this semester, all As and one B. She is in the school musical this March, and is looking forward to that. She was a HUGE help while I was sick, really pitched in with the other kids and helping me when I needed something. Last Saturday night there was a dance for the middle school and she and her friend Megan went together. Here they are before leaving:

So that's all from around here, for now!

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