Saturday, August 2, 2008

Party pictures

Gabe had such a fun first birthday! When I unloaded my camera last night I realized I had taken 193 pictures of his big day. Sydnee said that Gabe is probably the most photographed child in our family, and I totally agree! Isn't it awesome with digital cameras that we can take as many pictures as we want and delete the ones that didn't turn out? No more paying for film and developing!
Here are a handful of pictures (okay, maybe more than a handful) from yesterday's party. We had a "bubbles, balloons and balls" theme. It was a ton of fun!

I made a collage of pictures from each month of Gabe's life. It is fun to see how he has grown and changed in a year!

We made him a birthday shirt with his handprint and name on the front...

...and the back of the shirt

One thing we did was buy some play balls and put them in a kiddie pool in the living room. He LOVES them!

birthday bath!

here he is opening presents, which he really figured out quickly! You can see the determination on his face!

riding on his rocking horse

ready for some CAKE!

let the fun begin!

hmmm...maybe not

I never thought I would have a child who turned down birthday cake!

What a fun day, and what a fun boy we have! Here's to another year of adventures with our littlest boy!

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