Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Tonight we are watching the clock tick away until 12. I am here listening to the sounds of America's Funniest Home Videos on TV in the other room and David and the two "Bigs" laughing and watching. I was lucky enough to be with the 3 littles as each one drifted off to sleep tonight. Their last waking moments in 2008. Ahhh...sweetness. As I listened to their soft breathing, I was thinking through the many memories of 2008, it seems it just raced by, though I know we have lived a lot of life this past year!

Birthdays, braces, soccer games, softball games, vacations, college classes, new kittens, preschool, middle school, failures, successes...yes, it was a big year. I looked back at my post from this time last year and felt good about the goals I set for myself. Mostly I can say that I worked hard at the things I wanted to improve on. Maybe the thing that I would consider the biggest success is that I have learned to really focus on the things that are important. Period. Sure, I still struggle at times, but I am glad that I am still learning and growing. My fantastic five children keep me on my toes. They challenge me and stretch me, they make me laugh and cry, they make me a better person, they make me so proud to be their mom. None of them listen when I tell them to quit growing up (*smile*), but I forgive them for that and still love every minute. Savor every minute.

I wish for each of you who read this a wonderful and peaceful 2009. May God bless you and keep you in this new year.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Emilee--thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog--
This post is precious.
I love how similar our "stories" are. And that you understand the challenges of being pregnant and having a teen. =)
I will be visiting you again!
love, andrea