Thursday, November 15, 2007

Chirp chirp...

I've been quiet lately, the crickets are chirping here at my blog! We've had sick kiddos the past 2 weeks or so and it stinks. I guess this time of year is good for that and with 5 kids it takes a couple of weeks for any virus to run it's course. Maddy got it the worst, I think. Poor thing isn't coughing like the boys did but had a terrible ear "confection" (per Luke) and yucky infected eyes too. She's missed 4 days of school and has caught up on a lot of tv watching. :P
I am one of those moms who isn't super strict on the amount of tv watching that goes on here. There are times during the day that their favorite shows are on and I let them watch. They get bored after a half hour or an hour and usually go on to play w/ toys. They're smart kids, I'm not worried about them turning their brains to mush by any means.
Speaking of smart kids, we had conferences for Ben and Maddy this week. Ben and Syd both got all As on their report cards, David and I are crazy proud of them. Maddy's teacher couldn't believe how smart she is, especially since she's one of the youngest in her class. She's in the top reading group in her class. That's my girl!
Since it is Thursday, and Thankful Thursday at that, here is my list of things I am thankful for today:

1. Lotion kleenex, and lots of it
2. Clorox wipes, for germs and dirty little fingerprints everywhere
3. little boys who take long naps simultaneously

Only 3? Yes, but I did 30 a couple of weeks ago. Have a good day everyone!

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