Friday, May 9, 2008

Family Friday: Luke

I have all of these wonderful Luke facts swirling in my brain and I don't know where to begin!
Luke is our 4th child. He is 2 years and 5 days younger than Madyson, and they are just like best friends. They "get" each other, and other times they don't. *smile* Luke is very tenderhearted, so concerned with how everyone is feeling. He can also be a spitfire, and gives us a run for our money on a regular basis. I know I have mentioned that before here on this blog. Then I look at his precious face, handing me a bouquet of freshly picked dandelions and my heart melts.

Luke's favorite item of clothing has to be his frog boots. If we are going somewhere he automatically runs to put them on. Rain or shine. I think it is just adorable. Especially when he's wearing shorts with his frog boots.

Next year we will be sending him to preschool. It is absolutely amazing to me how well he is already counting to 15 and starting to learn to write his name. The other day when he picked the dandelions for me, he nicely took them back and counted each one for me.

There is definitely something magical about a 3 year old little boy. They are so full of energy and life, ready to learn and explore, yet still little enough to want to cuddle, hug and kiss, and still need his mommy and daddy.

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