Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Gabriel!!

And oh how fast this year has gone!

Gabe is such a wonderful addition to our family. He brings sweetness and softness, his older siblings absolutely love him and enjoy playing with him. Gabe is active and playful, quiet and observant, tender and loving. He knows what a doggy and kitty says, where someone's nose is, says "hiiii!", "dada", and "mum". His favorite food is fruit (any kind) and avocado. He is SO proud of himself when he crawls into the little rocking chair. He can clap his hands, wave bye bye, and his favorite way to get around has been scooting on his bottom for the past few months. He only recently learned that crawling is MUCH faster! His favorite toy is definitely a ball, any kind, just like his brothers before him.
Happy birthday, baby boy!

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