Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday Thirteen: summer in review

I can't believe summer is drawing to a close, that school is starting in just 5 short days! Things have been quiet on this blog this summer. Our days have been full of a lot, and a lot of nothing. It has been so good to be relaxed in our routine and to enjoy having daddy here every day. In honor of the Thursday Thirteen, I have decided to list 13 things that have made up *most* of our summer. It would be impossible for me to go back and think of everything we have done, so here are the 13 that my little helpers and I have come up with.

1. Our trip to Florida, right at the start of summer

2. 4 birthday celebrations!

3. lots of softball games and soccer camp for two boys (sorry, no pictures of soccer)

4. learning to blow bubbles

5. catching bugs

6. ice cream

7. blueberry picking (twice)

8. waterskiing

9. first popsicle

10. peach picking (twice)

11. backyard fun

12. a fun visit to Great Grandma's farm, picking black raspberries in all of her "secret places"!

14. long walks and lots of quality time with daddy

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