Monday, January 18, 2010

a little boy date

I had a lovely little date with my two little boys on Friday morning. We shopped for groceries, stopped by the $1 spot at Target for a few goodies, and had pasta for lunch. And warm flatbread. Luke ate his without butter, because he liked how it tasted without the butter.

Gabe liked it with butter. They shared mushroom stroganoff, with tons of parmesan cheese on top. Gabe ate his entire bowl!

I had pad thai, because that's the only thing I order when we go there. Why didn't I know about this delicious food until 2 years ago, I ask you? In my opinion it is a perfect blend of flavors and textures. Sweet, spicy, crunchy, tart...

As good as our food was, though, the company was the best part!

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